Are You Really Listening? Tips for Deeper Connections
By Scott Hirschfeld | | Best Practices, Blog Post, Leadership
We have been doing a book club at CTaccess for a few years now. It has been a great way to foster continuous learning with the team members who choose to join. It also creates community around the shared experience of reading the same content and then discussing it together. This quarter, the book came…
Read More Servant Leadership: Essential Traits That Inspire and Motivate
By Scott Hirschfeld | | Best Practices, Blog Post, Leadership
As humans, we are presented with a myriad of choices every day. And it seems that the natural bent is for us to choose the things that gratify us. We are inherently self-motivated and self-centered and naturally select the things that benefit our self-interest. This human condition does not paint a pretty picture, and though…
Read More The Trust Factor: 8 Ways to Show You Are Trustworthy
By Scott Hirschfeld | | Best Practices, Blog Post, Leadership
Have you ever been in a new relationship and felt caught in a trust vacuum? Maybe it’s a new customer or prospect, or perhaps just someone you are trying to form a friendship with. You think, “I wish they would just trust me; I have their best interest at heart.” I have worked with the…
Read More Encouraging Others to Aim High and Achieve More
By Scott Hirschfeld | | Best Practices, Blog Post, Leadership
I recently heard an excerpt from a very old presentation by Viktor Frankl. Frankl is the well-known Austrian psychiatrist who was put in concentration camps by the Nazis. He famously said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of…
Read More 5 Hacks for Changing Your Programming
By Scott Hirschfeld | | Best Practices, Blog Post, Leadership
Have you ever wished you could hack into a human and override the current operating system? Some of you who are parents can identify. There are times when it would be great to bypass the part that causes the 2-year-old to throw a tantrum or the teen to rebel. We might not admit it, but there…
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